Senin, 09 Juli 2012

they will fly to Japan

friend of mine asking me to make souvenirs for her guest which is come from Japan
so i decide to make these beautiful pouch, mentioned their name
 front view
back view
still have no idea... or already have some idea to make the same souvenir please contact me 
email :
SMS : 0878-8669-2562

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Tempat Tissu

Kode: Green Candy
Size : 12x12x10 cm
Price : Rp. 25,000,-

Kode : Blue Fruit
Size : 12x12x10 cm
Harga : Rp. 25,000,-

For order
SMS : 0878-8669-2562
email/YM :
Pin : 32A354B6

Note: bisa request design yg kamu suka loh.... :)

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

"Astor" gantungan kunci

ini dia gantungan kunci berbentuk "Astor"
Material : flanel kombinasi pita satin
Ukuran : Panjang 7cm

Untuk order:
SMS : 0878-8669-2592
email :
Pin : 32A354B6

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

"Rossete" (Bros Flanel)

Very long time no post at this blog…
Finally I have a little time to produce some new stuff
Here let me introduce you to our new stuff
We called them “Rossete” a flannel material brooch to accomplish your look
Make you more beautiful, you can add it to your bag, your hijab and everywhere you like
We have 10 color of “Rossete”
Price only Rp. 7000/pcs (groceries buyer please PM)

Come on order and choose your favorite color by:
SMS                : 0878-8669-2962
PIN BBM        : 32A354B6
Email/YM         :

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Body Care from Bali Ratih...

sekian lama gak pernah update di blog ini...
karena satu dan lain hal untuk sementara waktu produksi handmade nya off dulu aka libur...
dan crafty house sekarang ini melayani penjualan produk perawatan badan dari Bali Ratih...
hmm siapa sih yg gak kenal sama produk2 nya Bali Ratih...
ada 16 variant aroma yg bisa kamu pilih untuk perawatan body-mu
Almond Nut, Apple, Avocado, Chamommile, Cherry, Chocolate, Coffee, Green Tea, Lavender, Mango, Milk, Olive, Orange, Strawberry, White Musk, White Rose
Dan 4 variant produk yaitu Body Scrub, Body butter, Body Lotion dan Body mist
..... All Variant Product.....
... Contoh Produk dalam Paket ....
(satu set paket : Body scrub, Body Lotion, Body Butter, dan Body mist)

harganya murah kok sist...
Untuk Satuan
Body Scrub Rp. 25000
Body Lotion Rp. 28000
Body Butter Rp. 30000
Body Mist Rp. 30000

Untuk harga paket = 1 paket Rp 110000
**harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim yah :)

untuk order dan tanya-tanya yuk mari gk usah ragu
sms ke : 0878-8669-2562
BB pin : 32A354B6

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Batik Fabric

lama sekali rasa nya gk pernah posting n mampir di blog ini
sampe bingung mau nulis apa yah?
ini dia aku mau share sedikit hasil perburuan kain-kain batik cap asal pekalongan :)

ini dia beberapa contoh hasil buruan ku di pekalongan :)
sudah di upload di account facebook dan beberapa juga dijual loh..
jadi kalo teman-teman ada yang berminat silahkan bisa cek disini  yah untuk order
anyway stock nya terbatas banget... jadi buruan yah sebelum kehabisan :)


Senin, 06 Februari 2012

{the Bazar report}

morning everyone....
monday already... hopefully will be the lovely monday....
here's i wanna share you our bazaar at Hellofest-8 on Feb 4, 2012

 here the owner :)
it's a pretty cute bazaar, so much fun, so much new things,
thank you to friend and buyer who came to visit our stand and buy so many things...
see you on the next bazaar....


Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Gan-Ci puff

I've been very busy lately....
preparing this and that, doing so many things...
and finally i could share you this new product.... Puffy key Chain....
you can get them by SMS to. 0878-8669-2562
pin BB: by request
or just email me to

Hang Tag

ini dia hang tag yg berhasil dibuat dalam kondisi serba mendadak, serba terburu-buru demi mengejar dateline menjelang bazar pertama.....
jangan lupa ya guys... visit crafty house and friend di Hellofest-8
at Balai Kartini (kartika expo room) booth no.B2
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Jakarta
from 10am till 10 pm

Senin, 30 Januari 2012

We are on Hellofest 8

hello everyone.... lama sekali tak posting disini
karena kesibukan mengurus ini dan itu....
terutama untuk persiapan bazar perdana kami di Hellofest

anyway.... kami tunggu yah kedatanganya di Balai Kartini Jakarta Jl. Gatot Subroto
Crafty House hadir di booth no. B2
catat acaranya yah Sabtu 4 feb 2012 jam 10 pagi sampai 10 malam free entry pass aka gratis htm nya :)
yuks yang mau liat langsung koleksinya Crafty House....
sampai jumpa di sana yah....